Originally published for the Valencia Voice
ORLANDO, Fla. -- How did we spend our summer vacation you ask? Well, like many fellow students, we ignored the stereotype of a “proper” summer vacation. Forgoing the beach and sun, and substituting class and studies in its place.
Unlike many summers previous, we decided that a great way to carry our momentum from the school year onward would be to take a few classes, get an edge on our transferring process and enjoy the seasons’ wonderful weather. What we got instead was the ultimate test of perseverance and determination. Nothing tests your commitment to school more than the constant reminder that every one of your buddies is out there, beachside, while you are stuck grinding though yet another PowerPoint presentation.
In the beginning, the curriculum seems easy enough and the question, “How hard could a summer class be?” settles comfortably in the recesses of your mind. But then it happens. The realization that you must be careful of what you do Sunday night, because just as the grammar school child who wants to watch the end of a movie, you are reminded by that nagging voice that whispers, “It’s a school night.”
Soon enough you memorize the attendance policy of every class and plan carefully which days you just have to be “sick.” Assignments pile up, tests take you by surprise and meeting twice a week for one hour and 15 minutes suddenly seems like the longest time period imaginable. But as quickly as the whirlwind begins, it ends. Here we are, in the midst of finals week, and all of summer suddenly seems like a dream upon waking.
As we optimistically calculate our final grades, we must not down-play the gravity of our achievements. Despite the urges all round us, we persevered, stayed strong, and now every mind-numbing hour of work put in has paid off. We can proudly count ourselves amongst the ranks of dedicated students who came before us. Glorious in triumph, victory has never been sweeter.
Although a three week break may not seem like much given the effort to reach this point, be assured, that it will be the most relaxing three weeks in your adult life. Enjoy it because you have earned it. Enjoy it because you de- serve it. Enjoy it, because quite frankly, it is the closest thing you are going to get to a summer vacation. However we may decide to spend it, know that no matter what next semester may bring, you have the grizzled determination to weather it. Let us march forward, my collegiate comrades into the classroom of uncertainty, and carry with us the lessons learned this summer. Over and out!