Sunday, June 19, 2011

"How I wrote the original manuscript of the "Two and A Half Men" pilot Part I"

So I decided something recently about my life. I am completely uncomfortable writing my own personal thoughts when they are intended for others to read. Like the idea of communicating in a setting like this just weirds me out.

Whenever a website asks you to create an account profile or something, and you have the option to put a picture in and it asks for information to put into an "About you" section, I always choose to leave it blank.

It is unnecessarily hard for me to write my own bio or introduction without sounding completely uninteresting, which isn't my intent. I assure you that I am somewhat entertaining if nothing else, but pushed into such a due or die self evaluation session I don't know how to introduce myself.

I am a writer. I say that with some hesitance but I say it with honesty. My batting average for churning out The Great American novel isn't impressive or relatively existent but I manage to throw words around just fine.

Journalism is the current form my "talent" for words has chosen for me to focus on. Eventually creative writing will sneak back into my scope but until then journalistic writing is always fun. Great opportunities to see a lot and then write about it.

Comics are cool and admittedly my inspiration for trying my hand at writing in the first place. But it had to be working at the Voice that made news writing natural for me, although if my grammar is off, don't blame me, I was always a better reporter than an editor.

Not quite sure what to include in here in order to make an interesting or witty segway into what I will be primarily writing about throughout the tentative continuation of this blog.

Simple answer: I don't have the slightest fucking clue.
